Tuesday, December 7, 2010

waltz into the moonlight.

i've been delaying the inevitable for about an hour and a half. i don't want to go to work today, at all. completely unmotivated. at least it's only a 5 hour shift and not a full day. but still. i just want to go and pack my shit and hop on that plane to U2. i'm leaving early tomorrow morning, ahhh! i'll take my phone with me so i can update while i'm away. i'll be back on tuesday of next week. how exciting! no pictures until then, i'm afraid. not that you probably care, because they don't really add much anyway. but yeah.

last night my younger brother graduated from primary school. he's thirteen next month, and officially my height now. i'm afraid. the graduation ceremony was painful to say the least. it started at 5:30pm with a dinner in aqua restaurant (the lower level of jupiters casino/the old sheridan hotel) between three or four other families.. they raised the price of the bar from $30 to $45. i'd only finished work half an hour before arriving, so i had to run home, shower, jump into whatever clothing i could find and run into the car. since i looked like utter shit i decided it was more economical to just not eat dinner at all because i figured my mother would've argued with me about not looking decent and forced me to pay for my own food and i really can't afford $45 for sub par seafood and starch overload. they don't even have chocolate icecream there anymore. so i sat on facebook under the table just to get in mum's grills a little more, and we left for the ballroom.

fifteen gazillion rows of chairs inside, and a really crappy looking stage backed by chickenwire. yeah, chickenwire. the walls looked like someone had ripped out the roofing insulation and shoved it along the sides of the building to look semi-artsy. u so art deco, j00piterz. anyway, the predictable "we're so proud of everyone" speech from the widdle school captains, collectively around half an hour of really bad solo singing and ~orchestra, a slideshow of "highlights" (which consisted of kids jumping into pools, kids climbing out of mudslides and kids running a cross country track.. thutch great memorieth), and certificate distribution. WOO. that went on for three hours. after that, everyone bolted for the doors and we didn't escape from the place until like ten minutes after it finished. it was almost like a concert merchandise rush, it was mental! by this stage my stomach was trying to make its presence known, and we raced home. 85c pack of pasta and a dish of mashed potato later, and i was feeling fine. you really don't need to spend that much money on food. then i jumped on here, and pretty much fell straight asleep after a panadeine to relieve the migraine that tends to loom whenever i'm forced to sit politely and quietly for any lengthly period of time.

work wasn't even worth recounting, though it was a pretty wickedly fast shift! i spent most of it doing paperwork, which was awesome. i'd love an office job. well, i have to clean my infernal shitstorm living space now, and get ready for five hours of voluntary slavery. see you around, blog.

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