Sunday, November 21, 2010

a public service announcement.


  1. I cried and yelled, calling my parents horrible people for lying to me all these years. Dad said it wasn't lying, merely telling a story which encouraged universal hope and goodwill. Getting children to believe in something like Santa helped them develop as people.

    This was when I was 13, so I didn't really believe in Santa... it was more the fact that they had taken away my very last hope and shred of childhood that I had been desperately clinging on to.

    When I lost Santa, I suddenly had to face the world for what it was. I wish I still had Santa.

    However, they will never take away my Disney. No matter how hard they try.

  2. my parents have never officially admitted to the santa story being a falsity! haha. but realistically i've always been in a childish bubble. i'll probably never ~face~the~world. how hypocritical.

    at least i don't have to live in fear of the ghost-man. :P

  3. I don't even remember if my parents told me Santa wasn't real. However, due to my sister's condition, we still have to go through all the chidren's Christmas traditions for her, because she still believes in it. Even if we told her he wasn't real, she wouldn't listen. And I don't mean she would block her ears and refuse to believe the truth, I mean she actually wouldn't be able to comprehend that the person she sees in movies, books, tv etc etc isn't real. So we keep it going for her. Every year.

  4. Mum and Dad had an argument in the car the other day about my upbringing. Mum blames Dad for the fact that I don't believe in God or have any kind of religious affiliation. She thinks it's terrible that I have no ghost-man beliefs. :P

  5. my parents just lie down and talk about how badly i'm turning out, it's beautiful.

  6. I cried when I found out Santa wasn't real. So upsetting. Sure, I kinda figure it out when I was eight but I refused to properly put the pieces together.

    Ahh Santa. <3

    I'm yet to go a year without Santa actually; I was told when I was ten, but my brother had just been born so we had to keep it up, Mitchell only just found out this year, but now I get to keep it up with Dylan. Hellz. Yeah.

  7. hahahaha, excellent! i think this is my first year without santa :(
