Sunday, November 21, 2010

facebook pictures.

so i got really bored, and started thinking to myself.. since my day has been crappy, boring and uneventful to the absolute maximum, i'm going to browse facebook and draw the first thing i think of when i look at peoples' status updates.

don't ask why i drew internal organs; obviously i'm shit and can't distinguish between the immune system and the lungs.

sander cohen? IN MY FACEBOOKS?!
more common than you think.

i.. don't..even

"BUUUURK! DID YOU OPEN THAT TRAP DOOR?!" "no your ugliness! 'e woke up on the wrong side o' the bed didn' 'e?!"

..everything else is just people bitching about how their day sucked today, so i cbf. ciao blog!


  1. lolsors.

    My favourite label was "i have work tomorrow why am i awake".

    Pictures made me lol.
