Saturday, January 1, 2011

through the dark streets they'd go searching to see god in their own way.

hey blog. it's ten past eight in the morning of the second of january, 2011. lol i just typed 2010, and had to backtrack. anyway, i've got a few hours until i have to be at work so i figured since i'm staying up all morning like an idiot i might as well come and share some random thoughts with you for the morning, seeing as nobody talks to me on facebook any more it seems.

it's funny how people shop at crazy clarks for a reason. it's funny how people don't shop at crazy clarks for a reason. but it's most funny how both reasons are one and the same: it's bloody cheap. i tend to take most notice of this around gift-giving times like birthdays and christmases. it's funny when you receive things you know the exact price of because they came from your store. i can't help but wonder whether people purposely bought from crazy clarks to tick me off, or just bought from there and forgot. and when it comes to giving gifts myself, the same thoughts run through my head, as if everyone knows what comes from crazy clarks and what doesn't. gosh.

hmmm. i'm sitting here listening to the ministry of sound annual 2011 compilation, and it's ticking me off a bit i have to say. i'd rather be listening to something a little classier, but i'm sick of all my music so i can't really win today. i really wish i didn't have to work today. if there's one thing i'm completely sick of, over, and unmotivated for, it's going to crazy clarks. don't get me wrong, it's not a bad place to work.. i just hate it. i want something different and new, that's easy to get into the routine of, with a uniform, and with flexible hours. obviously such a perfect job is unheard of and thus i am stuck at crazy clarks. the hatred is strong.

guess what? it's the second day into the new year and i haven't had mcdonalds yet. and i cleaned my room! i'm going so well. haha. i found a whole heap of coins i had stashed away, so today i'm taking them into work and changing them into more manageable change and buying some goddamn lunch. $3.75 macaroni and $3 energy drink. can't go wrong, really. considering how little sleep i've had, anyway. once i get this slog out of the way, i'll come home and sleep, and devise an exercise routine so i can stop being such a lard. i'm also thinking about how i'm going to utilize my time this year. i was thinking about deferring and earning money, but instead i think i'll take just two subjects in the new semester and work part time instead so i get decent hours and shift some of my degree at the same time.

say, i'm looking forward to tomorrow. i'm going to have dylan over and we're going to make our way through the firefight maps on halo 3 ODST for a crappy 80G, and hopefully knock over some heroic campaign missions if that gets boring too. fun times right? hopefully i'll have had more sleep before then. anyway, that about does me for my morning thoughts. i'm also going to try harder to track what money i'm earning week by week, and see if i can devise some kind of ordered schedule for saving for this flipping piano.

it's too early for me to bother drawing things.


  1. You'll be working part time as well? WE CAN BE PART-TIME-WORK-AND-STILL-ATTENDING-UNIVERSITY BUDDIES! Also, I think I may have mentioned this before, but all the shops that will soon be opening in the new CBD will be looking for employees soon, so just keep a heads up if you really do want a new job :)

  2. i'm very much considering it, though if i can get two casual jobs i'll be earning a lot more because i won't be on a salary + i'm eighteen. i'd kill for a nightfill job at coles annandale, that'd be so so great. then i can just walk from one job 20m down to the next! i'm really considering going up there personally with a resume because i've applied about four times now through the online service and heard nothing. :(
