Friday, January 7, 2011


so, i was gearing up to play some halo:reach on my xbox 360, wishing i could go back to simpler times and play halo: combat evolved, or even halo 2.. when it hit me like a full magazine of pre-millenium needles.

if you're still not following by this point, basically i figured out i could still play my original xbox games on my xbox 360 console. it was a freakin' revelation! so of course i did what any yvette-minded simpleton would do and bolted out to the loungeroom to retrieve my copy of halo: combat evolved and played through the whole damn campaign. oh god. the messy warthog driving.. the marines and their little ID chips.. the creepy as all hell original soundtrack.. it was pure nostalgic bliss. i also noted two things that were funny to me, that i hadn't noticed before in the first couple of levels. in the pillar of autumn, while keyes is giving his speech about how he's going to try and land the autumn on the 'object' they found.. the screen he's referencing clearly says "HALO". they don't even know it's called halo at that point! trippy right? also. you know in the level 'halo' (lvl 2) how you have to activate the light bridge before you can continue through the cave structure? i never knew you could activate the bridge and just jump off the side, back down to the warthog. all this time i've been running right back around the way i came, meeting the 2 boss elites in the tunnel and everything. goddamn.

also, playing on 'normal' is like babysitting grunts. combat wise, halo CE is so much easier to work strategies around getting through the harder difficulties compared to reach. i feel like someone's given me a lollypop and asked me to take a wrapper off for 100G, to put it in perspective. which i probably didn't, because you're not a complete loser like me, but anyway. just thought i'd share my findings with you. i have work tomorrow. it's gonna suck. :(

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