Thursday, December 2, 2010

oh THERE'S my hatred of humanity, i wondered where it'd gotten to

today, i woke up at 7am on the dot to the sound of my phone singing minnie the moocher, blues brothers style! haha. so i made my way into the kitchen and grabbed an energy drink because the previous night i'd only had about four hours of sleep because i'm an idiot (of course) and surprisingly enough i felt pretty much spot on from there. showered, jumped into my uniform and headed to work. then i got showered in favouritism by my manager (which is just, the absolute bomb. seriously. i can do no wrong apparently) and made my way through the day.

updated my facebook status from my phone halfway through my day, and eventually it got to around fifteen minutes before closing time. i was feeling absolutely stuffed, it was just such a boring, uneventful day. then something a little unpleasant happened.

at the time i was dealing with this big ass line of customers on my own cuz my register back-up guy went to the toilet, and this lady came through. i try to be as friendly and super nice to people as possible, and... i treated her with so much respect, and when i offered her cashout at the end of the sale she was like 'yeah just take it up to $60 please' (meaning, the total eftpos transaction equals whatever her purchase costs + the extra money in cashout to make the total transaction $60, you probably know that but anyway) so yeah, i was like "alright then no worries, just give me a second and i'll grab a calculator and fix that right up for you."

her total sale was $34.63, and i had a big line + i'm really bad at off-the-top-of-my-head calculations and didn't want to mess up, but i couldn't find my calculator anywhere because the lazy fuckers i work with decide it's a fabulous idea to just move shit around and not put it back (case in point: every stanley knife ever) and so i said to this lady "look i'm really sorry, but i can't seem to find the calculator!" and she gave me this look, as if to say.. are you serious? you actually need a calculator? and i said "hmm.. what'd that be.." and i guessed the cashout total in my head, impressing myself and taking the total sale to $60.99. and i asked her was she happy with that amount because my maths wasn't quite adequate after 8 hours of mindless packaging (i was just joking with her, being friendly and stuff) and she's like "you're serious? did you quit grade 10 to work here or something?" and half smiled at me, real bitch.

so i gave her a nasty smile back, and i said to her, "why, is that what you did?" and she's like "what's that supposed to mean?" and i said "look, don't insult me. i'm being polite, i'm processing your sale. i could be out living, but i'm in here doing this. so do you want your cashout? i'm quite content to stand here forever and make all these tired people wait while you make up your mind." and she was like "just give me $20." so i processed her sale and told her to have a lovely afternoon.

if she complains to management, fuck her. i think our store manager knows quite explicitly that i'm not an unkind fool who just gives customers backchat. the next lady in line said "good one" to me. i then proceeded to shit bricks after realizing what i'd just done and served everyone at 2x speed. then it was hometime, and i got right out of there.

that's the first time in three years i've ever stood up to someone giving me crap about working at crazy clarks to their face.

Achievement Unlocked: Realised Self-Worth - 100G


  1. Woohoo! Go Yvette!
    I wish I'd done something like that while I was there, but the opportunity didn't arise.

  2. GO YOU <3
    I want to do this every day.

  3. people who take their bad day rage out on me aren't worth my time. personal win right there, i didn't think i'd have the guts to be anything but polite haha. i surprised myself. x
