Sunday, November 28, 2010

you've killed god.

oh god. today was sunday, and it was the busiest shift i have ever worked in my life. basically, we had our big christmas sale today: 25% off everything in christmas-ware excluding food and various shit that doesn't scan because it's gay, and a further 20% off the total of all transactions! that basically equates to a shitload of savings, quite elegantly put by yours truly. anyway, it was ridiculous. we had three registers fully banked up at multiple points during the day, going psycho trying to bag and process all the people. it's such a little store for the quantity of people that came through today, so it was a bit of a stretch.

and of course it doesn't help when you've got managers telling you not to discount anybody spending less than $10, or people who have christmas items, or anything of that nature when there's clearly no signage to illustrate such conditions. it further irritates me when there's no fucking prices on ANYTHING in the store, and i bear the brunt of the angry hoards of people wanting stickers. prices on stock is a basic consumer right, and it's filthy how lazy our organization is. nonetheless, it pays me. and it's the only thing willing to do that, so i'm sticking with it for now.

mind you, i've been eighteen for almost a week now, and there's no pay raise in sight for me until a week from now at the earliest. as i said, slack. but i don't want to jeopardize my shitty little corner store job just yet. anyone know of any jobs going in townsville? gosh, you'd make my life easier. anyway.

man, it feels like i haven't been on my xbox in ages. it's been at least six days since i sat down and had a decent gaming sesh. i haven't had this much work in ages. also, i am depressed because the ENTIRE DAY, i reminded myself that i *needed* to buy milk and coffee after my shift. and it finally rolls around to 4:46, and i realise: my wallet isn't in my handbag. i left it at home. fuck. so i'm going to be screwed tomorrow morning without my waker-upperer. oh well. i might be able to run to coles and grab a redbull.

(why can't they understand our love?)

here's my ingenious plan: since my mother has an appointment tomorrow at 9:30 and my shift at work doesn't start until 10, i'm going to put my best sad face on and beg for another hour on top of my shift tomorrow. hey, an extra set of hands in the morning could fix four aisles of stock in that time, and make it look pretty after the tornado of customers today. plus i'll be in my uniform and everything, they've gotta let me in, right? ohh i hope so.

wow. my hand's bleeding. gross. alright well, it's like seventeen past eleven at night and i've got another early start tomorrow. i'm neutral about this. here's to tuesday; my day off, and potentially a day for my xbox. love<3

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