Monday, November 8, 2010

tuesdays suck.

today was thoroughly depressing, as bird-induced disappointment usually always is. it started out with me waking up at 9:30am on this sunny tuesday morning, thinking today is the day i really spend time with my parrots if i want them talking by next christmas.

after somehow navigating through the sea of clothing and attempted cleaning of my wardrobe, i rode the good ship goodwill into parrot port with full intentions of spending a good hour or two simply talking and whistling to them. convinced i'd make at least a little bit of progress, i had these wild ideas of my ringnecks relaying back my mindless conversation by the time i was finished.

but it just wasn't to be. i got two sharp, piercing shrieks out of my girl (who i have named persephone), and a couple of head-bobs from my boy who is yet to be named. i've had them about a month now, and a month of talking to parrots has accomplished zip. what's it gonna take to make these guys talk?

so i gave up for the time being, and went back into my room like the hermit that i am. sat in my chair and listened to the loud angry conversation between my parrots and my parakeets, and wondered what it was they were saying to each other. tiring of this, i thought i'd do some more cleaning.

it was really fucking boring. the rest of my day so far has been spent on trying to convince my mother that i'm worth her spending $3000 on, for a new clavinova for my eighteen birthday, sometime later this month. sigh. just gotta wait for james to get home from school and we're taking another trip to the keyboard shop. life: boring.