Saturday, December 25, 2010

hiatus? what hiatus?

christmas to me, usually involves the painstaking consumption of roughly 20 litres of water to encourage my poor bowels to shift me to a rapid state of consciousness at 4am so i can inspect my hoard of christmas presents left by santa. this year was different. hi, i'm yvette and i'm eighteen now. my childhood is officially dead, and this christmas couldn't have said it any clearer.

so i went to sleep at 8:19pm christmas eve after a full day of work at crazy clarks being fucked around and having my patience tested to the bone after several stuffups involving the counting of the registers, leaving me to walk home in the rain two hours after my shift was meant to end (fortunately a kind soul picked me up and dropped me to my house, cancelling out the depressing end point there which makes for somewhat bland storytelling but i'm not gonna lie to you, c'mon). semi-soaked yvette walked into the freezing airconditioned house she takes permanent residence in, blasts a burning fireball of rage at everything and everybody in her wake, and falls asleep straight after.

and that's where my day began today, at 10am. not even realising what my little brother was yelling at me about, i fumbled in my interrupted sleep for my phone to no avail, and it wasn't until i looked at my door that i realised the deflated santa stocking hanging from the doorknob. it's bloody christmas day. what in the hell?

so i attempted to stir up some childlike thrill and happiness over the fact that the day which comes but once a year is upon us, and i have gifts to rip open like the nintendo 64 kid, yelling at all and sundry about how goddamn happy i am to be alive. open stocking:

- twilight laptop bag
- blue and black swing bag for like, the beach and stuff
- adorable little plush teddy sitting in a red bean bag

i just imagined the whole santa scenario in my head.

lol. presents were really, really light this year compared to over the years, mostly because of U2. with santana next march we won't have an easter. gotta love the westernization of the jesus story. presents when he's born, chocolates when he's dead. sweet. anyway, i got a graphics tablet from dylan (who has instructed me that i best be inserting how much i love him, roughly around here) which i'm totally loving. it's wicked. and i realised earlier that i'd forgotten to send off the christmas cards i made for people, which is just like me tbh but oh well. my bad. i'm a terrible terrible person who forgot it was christmas on christmas morning.

aside from mourning the death of my childhood, i did manage to do some constructive reading towards applying for my queensland learner driver's license. nope, still don't have it. will i ever? probably not. so i'm pretty much sitting here munching on chocolates like a fat slob and wondering how my day is going to pan out tomorrow now that the roads are closed and my planned trip to cairns (and associated days off work) have hit the dust in the box of my ruined intentions. i'm probably going to spend money like a maniac, but i'm hoping i'll be better this year. i'm planning on having my digital piano by next august. that's like, seven months to save up $4000. i won't be able to do it, but if i tell myself that's what i want enough, maybe i'll get like halfway there before i blow it all on xbox games again.

so, you're most likely wondering what was with the extended absence? i've taken a break from fivetune thoughtvine simply because i realised how how little privacy i've got. i believe certain individuals to be common viewers and so i figured roughly two weeks away would deter them from stalking me like crazy loons and i reckon it's worked. so here i am, back again. it's been difficult to resist just jumping back on here and bitching about work, but there you go. i saved you the angst. and now i might as well catch up on some sleep. and if you own a graphics tablet, the first thing that usually comes to mind when somebody says they've got one is 'i wonder what their first picture was!'

gosh, would i be right?
my very first ever picture EVER on my new tablet was of a banshee, and i did it in three minutes exactly. it's crap, and so very evident of what little skill i possess. here's my crappy picture.


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