Thursday, November 18, 2010

would you kindly grab a wrench or something?

oh woe is me, i think to myself upon this drizzly thursday morning. the rain depresses me - i'd much rather sit next to the window and contemplate nothing, staring at cars, than do my psychology exam. it's approximately five in the morning; two hours after i previously blogged and i'm still yet to go to sleep as it's only now that the effects of the energy drinks are starting to wear off. my head hits the pillow, and doesn't rise again until 11:50 - an hour before my exam.

shitting myself completely due to the fact that my quick-study plan is now ruined, i dash to the bathroom to find a hair-tie, brush my tangled mane of hair and throw on the nearest clean looking shirt i can find, scream at my parental unit to transport me to the university, and make it inside with a whole two minutes to spare! sit down at my university paper and i'm confronted with this.

a whole exam paper's worth of shit that i didn't study for! how excellent! but since i'm an intellectual badass (lolum) i managed to answer every question in full length and detail, and sound smart at the same time. walked out of that exam at 4pm feeling like superyvette, i gotta say. so i rung up the parental unit for evac, and we navigated our way to the annandale shops. instinctively (given the fact we're out of food at home), i walked into coles to buy food for study.

>into coles to buy food for study.
>food for study.

but.. wait.. what was it that i was studying for?

..and the realization hit me like a tonne of red bull and mi goreng.
I WAS FREE. exams were done, uni was done. that's it. i marvelled in my newfound realization for approximately four minutes before realising i had already in fact, bought the groceries while going through this vast cognitive motion. oh well, more pasta can't hurt right?! so i got home like a crazy bat whose colony had just been sprayed, and hopped on my computer like a boss.

like a goddamn boss! i did all kinds of shit, like stumble, look up walkthrough guides for bioshock audiodiaries, and, yeah. just all kinds of awesome stuff. then i got on facebook.

seriously, i have to rant about this - what's with all the hate on call of duty black ops? i seriously do not understand this. there's like fifty "like" pages dedicated to the male quotient of the human populace and its apparent all-consuming obsession with the latest cod. most of them go something like "girl: oh hey what're you doing. boy: shut up and make me a sandwich, i'm obviously playing cod." but sometimes they sneak in a rebellious "boy: what're you doing? girl: playing black ops. boy: marry me?" just for good measure. this got me thinking; is gaming still considered the taboo trait of the socially acceptable female? that's ridiculous. i know a fairly stable amount of women my age who aren't too bad at games and aren't ashamed to say so?

this got me thinking some more. and i don't usually think a lot, so you gotta give the gaming industry its due for at least that. anyway. i thought why is it these groups portray female call of duty players as gods, and male cod players as the standard? what if the female players are disgustingly ugly in real life, and only play games to say they belong to at least ONE community of real people? huh, facebook? WHAT IF?

so i sat back down in my little socially repressed corner and scraped my facebook wall some more, before deciding it really wasn't worth my time reading about all these losers and their 'lives'. so i stalked some of the new formal photos, had a good laugh to myself, and got back on bioshock.

productive day? I THINK SO! happy friday everyone!

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