Thursday, November 11, 2010

an update.

it's almost four in the afternoon. i just finished my glass of iced coffee, and now i feel like i should probably do something constructive with my day after most of it has been wasted. also, i didn't end up posting the other half of those study notes because i realised i'd already studied them! fabulous. so sorry about that. now you're only a sixteenth of a first-year qualified teacher, blog.

now, that big exam i was talking about? it actually came to me so easily that i found myself completely bored out of my mind with half an hour to spare, just staring at the clock and thinking to myself 'gosh, i could be going out and learning new things instead of relaying back this obvious information to my obviously bored lecturers', and when i read my exam papers back to me i have to say it just sounded fabulous. that's me bragging about my writing; something that doesn't happen all too often. but it was just excellent, and i'm super proud of it. hopefully i'll pass the subject.

so, rocked up at twenty past midday outside building 25 - nursing sciences, and figured.. there's the building. pretty sure room 002 won't be too difficult to find. and then realised i didn't have my student id, which was really annoying, so i went and got another one printed in the spare time that i had, made my way back and sat on the ipod for a good 30 minutes. people eventually started to stand up, so i edged my way closer to the building. it was humid, boring and noisy as hell outside with everyone chattering and discussing their notes. i just wanted to go inside.

eventually the doors opened, and i went inside and sat somewhere in the middle of the third row so i could escape easily when i was finished. the exam consisted of five questions, relating to subject content, the subject itself, and my practices with the information i've learned from it. it was like opening a jam jar, essentially. difficult to pry, use a bit of effort, gain noms. difficult to sit through the boring obvious exam, use effort to complete it, gain lunch. awesome! so 3:30 rolled around fast enough, but i didn't have any credit in my phone. how irritating; i could've sworn i had over $100 left the other day. check balance; it had only just expired two days prior. goddamn.

back on the ipod i got, and asked ever so nicely for dylan to give my mother a ring, to tell her to collect me and take me to arties keyboard shop. so, bit of waiting under a tree outside the nursing building, see wicked pattern of rain-covered lillypad-looking weeds growing around the place (i felt like a goddamn fairy), and the green car rolls up. good stuff. the rain got heavier, somehow, and we finally found somewhere to park with a little bit of a walk to the keyboard shop.

got inside, and the change in temperature from rainy humidity to aircon freezingness was like a slap in the face! but it was an appreciated slap in the face because being a fat slob i love airconditioning. so i spent a while talking to the shop assistant who just had the "are you serious? are you actually intending to buy a quality instrument off me or are you just another teenager who wants to be a musician?" air about him. he was nice, but god was i afraid to touch the pianos. he looked as if he was some big accomplished musician under all that solemn emotional depth and short, well-looked after facial hair. so i asked if he had any brian setzer books, with the intention of being a good girlfriend and buying dylan one for christmas. he taps it up on his computer database, and it's freaking $47.50! sorry dylan, you're going to have to learn by ear.

so i spent some time drooling over the white baby grand piano in the window,

.. then realised it was a beale. so i swiftly made my way back to the yamaha section. there was a piano in there that looked just like ours, except smaller. it was $13,000. i tried to make the fact my eyes had widened to twice their original size not so obvious, and sat down at a lovely little clavinova piano, not unlike a friend of mine's. it sounded lovely, so i thought i'd be an idiot and play the pirates of the caribbean theme with strings and choir voices. i got an odd look from a couple looking to buy the ~professional keyboard worth $8000, so i played a little louder to be annoying.

eventually we left the keyboard shop and made our way back over to the guitar shop; maybe there were some cheaper setzer books in there. really, if i was being honest with myself, all i was going in there for was to salivate over the fact that there was a chris cheney signature gretsch less than 30cm from my face in the window, but to my horror and great dismay, it had been sold. the pain~! i then noticed two middle-aged guitarists, looking quite road-smart and no nonsense, sitting in the corner of the shop around from the front counter, discussing guitar things. one of them gave me a knowing snarl, as if to say 'look at me with my guitar. you just walk right out of this shop right now before you embarrass yourself, inferior spawn.' and so i tugged at my mother's sleeve and exited just as quickly as i'd walked in.

we then drove home, with a stop by mcdonalds on the way. my younger brother nagged and nagged and nagged some more until i eventually gave in and played a few campaign levels of halo: reach with him, until i actually fell asleep with the controller in my hand while playing. having only had four hours of sleep the previous night, i was surprised it took so much time until i did involuntarily collapse.

i then woke up bright and early all by myself at 9:30am on this friday morning, to the sound of my lovely upright piano being (FINALLY) tuned by mr kevin lightfoot, the piano tuning man. i've got a photo for you, actually! let me find it.

how exciting! it's been over a year since we last had it tuned, simply because it's another expense for something only i use. i actually paid for it to be tuned, and had forgotten that 9am today was the appointment. so that was the start of my day, today. i spent most of the day asking mum to take my wallet go and buy some iced coffee and pasta, and apples for my birds (and she did, woo!) when she went out this morning, enjoying said groceries, and wondering whether or not i should play some more halo considering my next exam is on tuesday.

garrr, indecision! my indecision was, however, cut quite in half when my brother arrived home from school around quarter past three, and stole the disc from my xbox so he and his friends could play. i really, really don't like having them in my house. they're marauders, and i look upon them as such. anyway, i'd best get back to cleaning this room and figuring out what exactly it is that i want to do with the rest of my day. it's bloody boring thus far. i might go over to dylan's house, though christ knows what i'll do over there. he's got an exam on monday, maybe i'd better not. actually, i have work tomorrow morning at 8am, so.. ahh fuck. fridays suck. i'll figure something out. in the mean time, have a nice afternoon blog. we'll speak again soon.



  1. After about an hour or so I realised you were in the same row as me. :)

  2. wow really?! haha i didn't see you!
