Tuesday, November 30, 2010

she's perfect as she can be; why should i even bother

it's the first of december! traditionally, that means our family puts up the christmas tree and spends the day together getting the house all decorated and stuff. well, i guess since my nan died and i turned eighteen, traditions don't mean anything around here.. i put the entire tree up myself before, lights and tinsel and all. i'm leaving the decorating to james, who will no doubt yell at me for doing it without him. and i woke up late today from having put the tree up at like, 2am. twelve hours' sleep, beautiful. but yeah. woke up, and the whole house is empty. a little confusing, but i thought.. alright then, and walked outside of my stifling hot room.

i switched the air-conditioners on and went to look at my parrots to see if they were alright. it's very hot outside today. i went to open the screen door to my backyard when i noticed two green eyes staring right into mine. leo! my cat had been let outside and someone had forgotten to bring him in again. so i let him in and gave the parrots a spray so they'd be a little cooler, and i'm yet to fix up their food and water. i need to clean my fish bowl today too, i can't keep putting that off.

so here i am, alone. no tinsel up, no family to talk to. alright then. mum talks of how christmas this year is going to be horrible and pointless without my grandmother. she's one of those people who just doesn't see any point to hoping for the best outcome. she just takes it at face value and says, it's going to be awful. why even bother. so, to combat her way of thinking which i usually always disagree with, i'm going to decorate the whole goddamn house by myself. but first i'm going to have coffee and pasta alfredo because i'm really hungry.

i really can't be bothered drawing anything right now, but i'll do you a special drawing when i'm finished my chores okay? love <3 p.s. i did end up kicking that bad mood. i always do! ^_^

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